About Me

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My life is the sum of the reminder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the Matrix.
I am the anomaly.


Return of the Father (of the Techno Thriller)

சோடா பாட்டில் ஸ்டைலில் என் தலைவருக்கு ஒரு வரவேற்பு!
Yeah, I beat you to it :)

எலேய் சோடா, யாராவது உருவி விட்டா எனக்கும் அனுப்பு...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


just saw your entry...

I have a post up at

on "state of fear" on the same day (09 december) - sathiyama, back date pannitu peela vidala ;-).. BTW my entry is actually mocking crichton..

i am trawling all the known russian/dutch scanned sites for the file... the usual sites are not biting yet.. may be when it goes up a little bit in amazon sales rank a soft copy will surface. will send you a copy when i find one
