About Me

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My life is the sum of the reminder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the Matrix.
I am the anomaly.



I have more respect for people who change their views after acquiring new information than for those who cling to views they held thirty years ago. The world changes. Idealogues and zealots don't.
- Michael Crichton, State of Fear

He said it!


Most lovable characters

My nominees are: Aragorn(Lord of the Rings), Dr.Ian Malcolm(Jurassic Park), இளைய பல்லவன்(கடல் புறா), Sherlock Holmes(???), விசுவனாத நாயக்கன்(வெற்றித்திருநகர்)

And my oscars go to: Francisco Domingo Carlos Andres Sebastian d'Anconia(Atlas Shrugged) and வந்தியத்தேவன்(பொன்னியின் செல்வன்).

So, who is your hero?


Objectivism == Pessimism?

A debate with one of my friends, that sparked of from this controversial new year wish sent by another friend

X:"check the one below… it’s a piece from George Carlin’s newest book 'When Will Jesus Bring The Pork Chops?'
'Since this book comes out in the fall, I'd like to take advantage of this early opportunity to wish all of you an enjoyable Christmas season and a happy New Year filled with good fortune. Of course, I realize this can't happen for everyone. Some of you are going to die next year, and others will be crippled and maimed in accidents, perhaps even completely paralyzed. Still others will be stricken with diseases that can't be cured, or will be horribly scarred in fires. And let's not forget the robberies and rapes -- there'll be lots of them. Therefore, many of you will not get to enjoy the happy and fortunate New Year I'm wishing for you. So just try to do the best you can.'

Y:"i keep hearing from this neo-matrix etc.inspired junta....somehow it seems that pessimism and negativity (hidden under the blanket of objectivity) have become the chic things today....everyone wants to be a non-believer....and thats "in".
To the already "enlightened" junta:-
If u don't like nice things in life and are bored of them....i wud say u really need love quickly and desperately....it is u who are disgruntled, disillusioned and are hiding under this mask of pseudo-objectivity coz u are afraid to risk urself, u r afraid to invest urself in someone and are too cynical to accept that love and bonding and looking fwd to nice things in life exist today at any level."

Me:"How can I not say something when 'Matrix' and 'Objectivity' are under attack :)

First, Matrix is a masala movie with philosophies pulled from religions around the world(Buddhism and Hinduism being major contributors) mixed with computer science and some pseudo-objectivity too thrown around.. Its a bundle of contradictions... much of Morpheus' dialogues emphasize 'fate', 'hope' etc.... concepts that don't go down well with 'objectivity'... But those dialogues come in handy for me in other contexts where they make more sense or at least where I can derive some fun out of it (You know this only too well ;)....

Objectivity has been the "in-thing" for the past 4 centuries at least, at various levels. If you had really understood objectivity, you would have realized that its more about optimism than any other philosophy, one that doesn't have any room for disappointments... Its about eternal happiness, one that cannot be affected by external forces... Its about love, where you cannot get hurt...
Practicing objectivity is like driving a sports bike (lets say, Fiero - F1, not F2 ;) The danger of you getting hurt is much more if you cannot handle it... That's the problem with most perfect solutions.. they won't work for everyone... the same way M.K.Gandhi's non-violence won't work for everyone.. the same way Buddha's nirvana won't work for everyone... So, if you don't understand it, it might appear as pessimistic and negative.. "But unfortunately no one can be told what the matrix is.. you have to realize it for yourself" (Oops! I meant objectivity :)

If you wanna take the blue pill and stay in wonderland, click on the link below.

If you wanna take the red pill,
(Actually, You have already made a choice. You now have to understand it. Remember all I am offering is the truth.)
X, don't be pessimistic and negative.. Be optimistic and have hope in life... But there are different kinds of hope and optimism... The other day I saw a photo in the newspaper of women offering prayers to the sea-lord requesting Him to return the tsunami victims with hope and optimism... Let your hope and optimism not be of this... Let it be that of the army personnel scouring the seas for anyone they can rescue. Don't hope that good things will happen to you. There are other forces in the world not under your control and not working for your benefit exactly(forces of other human beings and forces of nature[which seems to follow a standard set of rules though we don't have enough computing power to predict its behavior yet]) So know your strengths and weaknesses(Temet Nosce) and realize the immense power of the other forces too and base your expectations on it(which cannot be much, to tell you the truth). And when you set the expectations right, anything you get above it will be a bonus, you can only feel happy for what you get, you can never be disappointed in life. You can never be bored in life. So, as you rightly put it, "Har pal yahan, jee bar jiyo| Jo hai saman, kal ho na ho||"