About Me

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My life is the sum of the reminder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the Matrix.
I am the anomaly.


Myself and my younger brother

An anecdote:My younger brother Senthil is well known for his mischiefs and pranks.We used to celebrate birthdays on a grandscale.It would start with a prayer at the temple,then some offering to the orphanage children,then we would go to our neighbours' houses and distribute chocolates to them.This being customary,our neighbours would acknowledge it as an invitation for the evening party.On that specific birthday [senthil's] ,he went out to distribute chocolates as usual and came back home happily.After some hours when my mother went out some neighbours asked my mother why senthil had not turned up with chocolates.They were surprised.But it was Mom's turn to be surprised.Smelling something we started the CBI investigation and found out that this little trickster had gone upstairs to choose a comfortable place, sit and eat all the candies and return home posing innocence.It is still surprising that he could eat so many [at least 50 or at the least 20]. I bet 100 Sivajis should come to him to learn the art of acting.Now look at the photo again.Doesn't that baby proclaim innocence personified?

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