I,karthik and senthil[karthik's younger brother]the triumvirs enjoyed our life to the maximum extent possible and so many sweet rememberances of our happy life.Once we were going to some place in our car.If Karthik drove the car I would sit in the front seat,while Senthil will be sitting at the back seat.It's customary,that they would take turns,and when Senthil starts driving I would go to the back seat [you might have very well guessed the reason,that] to sit with Karthik and fondle him.On that particular day,when Senthil came to the driver seat,as usual I started sneaking.Unexpectedly Senthil held my hands and told me "hey kilavi[oldie]..(that's how he used to call me from days known..which has abruptly stopped now..and in fact all such funning and punning have ceased..)"hey good old lady,what do you think of yourself? Today you have to sit with me".Nothing else to do.I sat in the front seat.And it happened to be a full moon day.We saw the moon raising big,bright and beautiful.Senthil pointed to it and said "wow,how beautiful the moon is!".
Though Karthik had been to the back seat,he was on his knees so that I was holding his face in my hands and patting him when Senthil said that the moon was beautiful.My immediate reply was "here is the full moon,in my hands which is more beautiful than that moon".And now comes the bitter part of it.Now I am very much afraid to see the full moon and I avoid coming out on full moon day because,one day when I was going with Senthil on the beach road[by bike..and we have stopped going by car..because both of us can not control tears],I saw the full moon over the sea,and there was karthik saying to me "amma,I am here,come to me".And my immediate instinct was to jump from the bike to take a leap to the moon.Words cannot explain the struggle i struggled to control myself and stick to the seat.But I am definetly unsure that I may or maynot repeat this.Confident fails me and I may do something fanatic.So I avoid glancing at the moon.
My dear full moon,I am awaiting the day to join you and be a satellite to you going around you and dancing as I used to dance around you.
kalavathy karthikeyan
I know you're real proud of this world you've built, the way it works, all the nice little rules and such, but I've got some bad news. I've decided to make a few changes. - Neo
About Me

- Ponniyinselvan/karthikeyan(1981-2005 )
- My life is the sum of the reminder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the Matrix.
I am the anomaly.
This is a new "ISM' founded by Kalavathy Karthikeyan.This is a new religion.It has no gods,no rituals,no poojas,no mantras,no bajans.This HAPPENISM believes not in karma,sin,janmas,previous births,rebirths,soul,anma,athma and salvation.
This religion firmly believes that any incident or action or event or motion occurs not due to any pre destined design or because an omnipotent sitting in some mountains [with a wife simply doting on him saying "YES LORD" to everything he says ..and with a lot of so called sages dressed funnily chanting some hymns in praise of him] directs each and every minute action of the whole earth, of the 1000s of billion people and decides their birth,course of life,time of marriage,time of death and the whole lot.Isn't it unimaginable and unbelievable for a man turned to become all powerful,all capable and to become the sole deciding authority?
And he needs no computers,no calculators,no statistics!And we believe that we act as is written on our forehead.How many lines are written on your forehead?Is it a micro chip,where a hell lot can be written?If so,this Funny god knows embedding and programming!
If this is a disclaimer,what does HAPPENISM CLAIMS? It says that any action,event,motion,incident or accident happens because it so happens.Let me explain.You are reading this now.Which god or destiny directed you to read this?Did your astrologer predict you that you will be reading this blog at this time?Go and ask him what you had been doing exactly at that time?Can any astrologer tell you that you were reading Vijayanagar blog at that point of time?No,..no one can..So HAPPENISM defines that it so happened that you are reading this blog now.
Shall i exemplify with a better a well known example?As many of you know I and Karthik have roamed over the roads of Bangalore in his favourite Fiero in mists,in rains,midnight,early morning,and i pinching him and playing with him while he was driving and he will drive at such high speed and "without a helmet".Why didn't any accident happen then?How many times would he have crossed the same u turn and was he not aware that he had to be cautious?His friends could site so many such rash driving days,but it so happened that he happened to apply a sudden brake.If it's your god and if there is a karma or the sins of the previous births is there no appeal?No redemption?No annihilation?Even in the man framed constitution there is a provision to go for appeal.Your gods do not give any such choice.Then how do you believe that he will save us?He cannot do anything against destiny eh?If so why should we beg him to save us?
SO let us believe in this HAPPENISM and strengthen ourselves to face the happenings.Instead of being a slave to someone who ditches and deserts at the deserved time[isn't something like the villain of the movies who ruthlessly kills his ardent follower].
So HAPPENISM says that you be your master and let things happen as they happen.
This religion firmly believes that any incident or action or event or motion occurs not due to any pre destined design or because an omnipotent sitting in some mountains [with a wife simply doting on him saying "YES LORD" to everything he says ..and with a lot of so called sages dressed funnily chanting some hymns in praise of him] directs each and every minute action of the whole earth, of the 1000s of billion people and decides their birth,course of life,time of marriage,time of death and the whole lot.Isn't it unimaginable and unbelievable for a man turned to become all powerful,all capable and to become the sole deciding authority?
And he needs no computers,no calculators,no statistics!And we believe that we act as is written on our forehead.How many lines are written on your forehead?Is it a micro chip,where a hell lot can be written?If so,this Funny god knows embedding and programming!
If this is a disclaimer,what does HAPPENISM CLAIMS? It says that any action,event,motion,incident or accident happens because it so happens.Let me explain.You are reading this now.Which god or destiny directed you to read this?Did your astrologer predict you that you will be reading this blog at this time?Go and ask him what you had been doing exactly at that time?Can any astrologer tell you that you were reading Vijayanagar blog at that point of time?No,..no one can..So HAPPENISM defines that it so happened that you are reading this blog now.
Shall i exemplify with a better a well known example?As many of you know I and Karthik have roamed over the roads of Bangalore in his favourite Fiero in mists,in rains,midnight,early morning,and i pinching him and playing with him while he was driving and he will drive at such high speed and "without a helmet".Why didn't any accident happen then?How many times would he have crossed the same u turn and was he not aware that he had to be cautious?His friends could site so many such rash driving days,but it so happened that he happened to apply a sudden brake.If it's your god and if there is a karma or the sins of the previous births is there no appeal?No redemption?No annihilation?Even in the man framed constitution there is a provision to go for appeal.Your gods do not give any such choice.Then how do you believe that he will save us?He cannot do anything against destiny eh?If so why should we beg him to save us?
SO let us believe in this HAPPENISM and strengthen ourselves to face the happenings.Instead of being a slave to someone who ditches and deserts at the deserved time[isn't something like the villain of the movies who ruthlessly kills his ardent follower].
So HAPPENISM says that you be your master and let things happen as they happen.
For a very long time this has been the nagging ? of many people.As karthik, Kicha and I believe there is no athma or anma or rebirth.It might have been devised by some sages as a means and tools to console the berieved.Though I was sure of it I needed some one to authenticate it.And here come two notary persons arguing the non existence of anma or rebirth சுஜாதாவின் கற்றதும் பெற்றதும் பகுதியில் அவர் எழுதிய ஆன்மா பற்றிய விளக்கம் பல கேள்விகளுக்கு விடை அளிக்கிறது.ப்ரைசனின் புத்தகத்தில் மறுபிறவி பற்றி அறிவியல் என்ன சொல்கிறது என்பதற்கு சுவராஸ்யமான விடை கிடைக்கிறது.
ப்ரைசன் சொல்கிறார்: நம் பிரபஞ்சம் முழுவதும் தனிமங்களின் அணுக்களால் ஆனது.மனித உயிர் என்பதே ஒரு மாலிகூல் நீண்ட கூட்டணு தொகுதிதான்.அணுக்களுக்கு அழிவே இல்லை.பிரபஞ்சம் ஆரம்பித்ததிலிருந்து அப்படியே இருக்கின்றன.ஒரு அணுவின் வாழ் நாள் குறைந்த பட்சம் 10^35. அதாவது 10க்கு பின் 34 சைபெர் போட்டுக் கொள்ளவும்.அத்தனை வருஷங்கள்! நாம் இறந்து போய் எரித்தாலோ,புதைத்தாலோ கூட நம் உடலின் அணுக்கள் காற்றிலோ மண்ணிலோ கலந்து விடுகின்றன.இடமாற்றம் நிகழ்கிறது..அவ்வளவுதான்.அணு அளவில் அழிவதில்லை.ஒரு கண சென்டிமீட்டர் காற்றில் இருக்கும் அணுக்களின் எண்ணிக்கை 45 பில்லியன் பில்லியன்.இத்தனை அணுக்களின் ஒரு பகுதி நாம் இறக்கும் போது மறு சுற்று வருகிறது.சில இலை தழை தாவரமாகவோ,பிராணிகளாகவோ மாறலாம்.சில மனிதர்களிடமே திரும்பி வரலாம்.எனவே, நம் முன்னோர்களின் புராதன அணுக்களில் சில பில்லியன்கள் நம்மிடம் இருந்தே தீரும்.அணுக்களுக்கு அழிவில்லை என்றால்,யாருமே இறப்பதில்லை;மீண்டும் பிறக்கிறோம்..தாவரமாக,உயிரினமாக,மனிதராக பிரித்துக் கொடுக்கப் படுகிறோம் ..
So please don't confuse anymore saying that Karthik's athma is with us. He will come back to me in the next birth as my grandson etc,etc.I am 100% sure of these things.All that I feel sad for is that such a lively squirrel which should have enjoyed it's life,shouldn't have met with a sudden end.He should have lived.That's what makes me cry.
Karthik amma
ப்ரைசன் சொல்கிறார்: நம் பிரபஞ்சம் முழுவதும் தனிமங்களின் அணுக்களால் ஆனது.மனித உயிர் என்பதே ஒரு மாலிகூல் நீண்ட கூட்டணு தொகுதிதான்.அணுக்களுக்கு அழிவே இல்லை.பிரபஞ்சம் ஆரம்பித்ததிலிருந்து அப்படியே இருக்கின்றன.ஒரு அணுவின் வாழ் நாள் குறைந்த பட்சம் 10^35. அதாவது 10க்கு பின் 34 சைபெர் போட்டுக் கொள்ளவும்.அத்தனை வருஷங்கள்! நாம் இறந்து போய் எரித்தாலோ,புதைத்தாலோ கூட நம் உடலின் அணுக்கள் காற்றிலோ மண்ணிலோ கலந்து விடுகின்றன.இடமாற்றம் நிகழ்கிறது..அவ்வளவுதான்.அணு அளவில் அழிவதில்லை.ஒரு கண சென்டிமீட்டர் காற்றில் இருக்கும் அணுக்களின் எண்ணிக்கை 45 பில்லியன் பில்லியன்.இத்தனை அணுக்களின் ஒரு பகுதி நாம் இறக்கும் போது மறு சுற்று வருகிறது.சில இலை தழை தாவரமாகவோ,பிராணிகளாகவோ மாறலாம்.சில மனிதர்களிடமே திரும்பி வரலாம்.எனவே, நம் முன்னோர்களின் புராதன அணுக்களில் சில பில்லியன்கள் நம்மிடம் இருந்தே தீரும்.அணுக்களுக்கு அழிவில்லை என்றால்,யாருமே இறப்பதில்லை;மீண்டும் பிறக்கிறோம்..தாவரமாக,உயிரினமாக,மனிதராக பிரித்துக் கொடுக்கப் படுகிறோம் ..
So please don't confuse anymore saying that Karthik's athma is with us. He will come back to me in the next birth as my grandson etc,etc.I am 100% sure of these things.All that I feel sad for is that such a lively squirrel which should have enjoyed it's life,shouldn't have met with a sudden end.He should have lived.That's what makes me cry.
Karthik amma
Elton John
This morning i read this piece in a newspaper.
Gianni's death haunts Sir John
Sir Elton John is still haunted by the death of 'soul mate'Gianni Versace.Elton was left devastated when the Italian fashion designer was shot dead in 1997.The same year another of his close friends Princess Diana was killed in a car crash.Elton revealed in an interview
"There isn't a day that goes by when i don't think of people like Gianni and Diana and John Lennon who have gone needlessly"
Dear readers,
I wish to underline two words.DEVASTATED...WHO HAVE GONE NEEDLESSLY..
usually foreigners are noted for easy go mentality.And here you see Elton lamenting even after 10 years.If that be the case with him Am n't i justified for my crying and grieving.Having lost such a gem of a child will it be possible for me to overcome this grief?
yes. My son has gone needlessly,and i am devastated.Can anything and anyone console me?CAN'T.All that you could do is to share my grief by saying that you too feel sad.It is said that time is the healer.NO.TIME IS THE KILLER. It can heal me in my death only.
Gianni's death haunts Sir John
Sir Elton John is still haunted by the death of 'soul mate'Gianni Versace.Elton was left devastated when the Italian fashion designer was shot dead in 1997.The same year another of his close friends Princess Diana was killed in a car crash.Elton revealed in an interview
"There isn't a day that goes by when i don't think of people like Gianni and Diana and John Lennon who have gone needlessly"
Dear readers,
I wish to underline two words.DEVASTATED...WHO HAVE GONE NEEDLESSLY..
usually foreigners are noted for easy go mentality.And here you see Elton lamenting even after 10 years.If that be the case with him Am n't i justified for my crying and grieving.Having lost such a gem of a child will it be possible for me to overcome this grief?
yes. My son has gone needlessly,and i am devastated.Can anything and anyone console me?CAN'T.All that you could do is to share my grief by saying that you too feel sad.It is said that time is the healer.NO.TIME IS THE KILLER. It can heal me in my death only.
SK's Law of Fate
A law(!?!) that I formulated while in college.
SK's Law of Fate:
Human body is a bundle of chemical compounds, bundled in a specific way, whose next state depends on its current state and external forces, neither of which is under its control. Hence destiny is destined.
Posted by: Ponniyinselvan / 01:52 3 Comments
Wow!!! Human body Vs State m/c is good. I guess Human body is an indeterministic state machine.
# posted by Sudhakar : 8:39 PM
i do not agree with you on "destiny is destined".
mathiyai vithiyaal vellalam. the changed "vithi"
will be still called as "vithi".....
Krishna Ram
# posted by kicha : 1:48 PM
Sorry buddy! What I mean is your victory of mathi over vidhi is part of vidhi. It can happen only if it was destined to happen :)
# posted by Ponniyinselvan : 8:18 PM
ONLY MAHANS, SAGES, RISHIS can predict like this.What intution made my son declare like this? Did he have any premonition? was it VITHI that caused the accident in the inner ring road? Unanswerable questions.
A law(!?!) that I formulated while in college.
SK's Law of Fate:
Human body is a bundle of chemical compounds, bundled in a specific way, whose next state depends on its current state and external forces, neither of which is under its control. Hence destiny is destined.
Posted by: Ponniyinselvan / 01:52 3 Comments
Wow!!! Human body Vs State m/c is good. I guess Human body is an indeterministic state machine.
# posted by Sudhakar : 8:39 PM
i do not agree with you on "destiny is destined".
mathiyai vithiyaal vellalam. the changed "vithi"
will be still called as "vithi".....
Krishna Ram
# posted by kicha : 1:48 PM
Sorry buddy! What I mean is your victory of mathi over vidhi is part of vidhi. It can happen only if it was destined to happen :)
# posted by Ponniyinselvan : 8:18 PM
ONLY MAHANS, SAGES, RISHIS can predict like this.What intution made my son declare like this? Did he have any premonition? was it VITHI that caused the accident in the inner ring road? Unanswerable questions.
Karthik-my mother
It's his custom,that whenever we go out for shopping or for what other it may be, he will see to that that his mother is dropped right at the footsteps of the plaza,nevermind it needed to take a round about way and would be additional 5 kilometers.Karthik's mother should not walk and shouldn't cross the road which might be a great ordeal to his mom.If at all I insist on getting down and prefer to cross the road he would hold my hand and help me crossing the road.One day I told him"Karthik, I had helped you to cross this same road when you were a child".To that he immediately replied"Then I was your child,but now YOU ARE MY CHILD".Yes.He was my mother,my father,my husband and my dearest son.Now I am searching for my mother.How will this infant survive and even if it survives guess the innumerable hazards and sufferings it has to face.Should it survive?My mother answer me.
Karthik amma.
Karthik amma.
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