About Me

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My life is the sum of the reminder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the Matrix.
I am the anomaly.


F ace it, you walk into a conversation and have no clue what everyone is talking about. The English language suddenly seems like something the Martians invented. It is time to whip out the urban dictionary and brush up on your lingo or you can just earjack (eavesdropping on a conversation you have no business hearing) a conversation between totally phat (another word for cool) youngsters.

When Aaron Peckham, 25, a software engineer at Google founded www.urban dictionary.com, little did he know that it would become such an awesmazing (awesome and amazing) hit! Users write the online dictionary's definitions and everyday visitors send in an average of 1,700 definitions.

Urban Dictionary is your saviour when you are suffering from mental constipation (an inability to articulate one's thoughts or ideas, resulting in significant psychological distress and frustration). There's a word not only for everything but also for every situation here. Remember that pair of jeans you've saved for years, wistfully hoping to lose enough weight to get back into? That would be an item of hope couture. Or the time when you were voluntold, which is the unpleasant situation of being forcibly, assigned something. Get ready to hear something like this from your boss soon "Since none of you are going to volunteer, consider yourselves all voluntold. See you tomor row morning at 6 am!" Now how about giving a wi-fi (a wireless hi-fi without actual physical contact) to your homie (a close friend) who is staying away from your crib (home). The homie in question is someone who facebooked (added you as a friend or sent you a message on Facebook) you last night.

Then what about situations where you are at a party having awkward nonversations (a very uncomfortable pointless conversation). The best option for you then is to compunicate (when you communicate through instant messenger on separate computers even when you are staying in the same room) with your roommate.

How many of you still maintain the old-fashioned anablogs which are defined as the platform you write in made of crushed tree pulp and binding. It's a paper journal that is being referred to if you are still not getting the drift! And you should seriously consider taking some grooming lessons, if people persistently call you a hobosexual because it means you are someone who cares little about your appearance and ends up looking like Peter Jackson! Now we've successfully invented a whole new language. A huge w00t to that, which is a new expression of joy and excitement. So, the next time someone calls you a hobosexual, you can just say meh (a verbal shrug of indifference) and point out that the bluetool (someone who always pretentiously wears a Bluetooth earpiece) walking next to you is more offensive. Besides, you have no pregret (regret for something you're about to do) about the multislacking (slacking at several tasks simultaneously) life you're embarking on anyway.



true. often i feel i am an illiterate. at times i don't understand the head or tail of what's been said. i am unable to comprehend.my English is quite obsolete, outdated and rather sounds childish. as is said here, i need a translation of modeng [ ha, my own coinage of modern english ], into my classic lit English. i feel at home with Mrs. Browning, and such others.am i the only person who is not able to cope up with the changing times, or is there anybody to say 'yes' with me?

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