I am sorry.Extremely sorry.
I withdraw my ststement declared in an earlier post where I loudly proclaimed that
no incidents and accidents disturb me in anyway.
I have become a buffalo like , I said.
But, a big " NO "
Senthil's friend met with an accident and became ' no more '. And that night I could not sleep
at all.
And this plane accident....Unknowingly, tears were rolling down.
Still, I am not becoming normal.
And now I realise that I have miscalculated and misjudged myself. Still Iam the same old kalavathy with the kindest heart.
karthik amma
I know you're real proud of this world you've built, the way it works, all the nice little rules and such, but I've got some bad news. I've decided to make a few changes. - Neo
About Me

- Ponniyinselvan/karthikeyan(1981-2005 )
- My life is the sum of the reminder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the Matrix.
I am the anomaly.
Utter displeasure,
Disinterestedness in everything engulfs me.
I would like to quote.
Nicholas Sparks' " The Note Book "
"I have lived 20 times as long as he , but if asked , I WOULD HAVE TRADED MY LIFE FOR HIS".......
It is a TERRIBLE thing to outlive your child "" "'
Even i would have ....
The next is from the film "Arasangam " where the villain says,
"I am astonished at the speed these Indian youth master everything. At this rate they will win the whole world not in 2010 but in 2005 itself.!!...So i have decided to stop their speed and growth. And i have DECIDED to KILL them....""
i was shocked to here this dialogue.
already i have a doubt in karthik's accident. And these words made me chill.
And, My emptiness becomes all the more worse.
karthik amma
Disinterestedness in everything engulfs me.
I would like to quote.
Nicholas Sparks' " The Note Book "
"I have lived 20 times as long as he , but if asked , I WOULD HAVE TRADED MY LIFE FOR HIS".......
It is a TERRIBLE thing to outlive your child "" "'
Even i would have ....
The next is from the film "Arasangam " where the villain says,
"I am astonished at the speed these Indian youth master everything. At this rate they will win the whole world not in 2010 but in 2005 itself.!!...So i have decided to stop their speed and growth. And i have DECIDED to KILL them....""
i was shocked to here this dialogue.
already i have a doubt in karthik's accident. And these words made me chill.
And, My emptiness becomes all the more worse.
karthik amma
காலாவதி & கலாவதி
already in a post I have told you about Senthil's Tamil proficiency. And here's another example.
இப்போதுதான் காலாவதி மருந்து பற்றி தான் எங்கும் பேச்சு. தமிழ் தொலைக் காட்சிகள் இதையே திரும்ப திரும்ப ஒளிபரப்பிக் கொண்டிருந்தன.
செந்திலும் இதைப் பார்த்து சற்று குழம்பியது போல் தோன்றியது எனக்கு.
இரண்டு நாட்கள் கழித்து அவன் கேட்டான் .
""ஏன் எல்லோரும் காலாவதி என்று தவறாகவே எழுதுகிறார்கள் ?""
ஒன்றும் புரியவில்லையா ?
என் பெயர் ' கலாவதி' யை ""காலாவதி "' என்று ஒரு முறை தவறாக எழுதியிருந்தான். நான் விகடமாக என்னை காலாவதியாக்கி விட்டாய் என்றேன். அது அவனுக்கு புரியவில்லை என்று எனக்கு அப்போது தெரியவில்லை.
இப்போதுதான் புரிந்தது ,,காலாவதி என்று ஒரு வார்த்தை இருப்பதே அவனுக்கு தெரியவில்லை என்று. ஆஹா ,எல்லோரும் நம்மைப் போலவே எழுத்துப் பிழை செய்கிறார்கள் என்று நினைத்துக் கொண்டு தான் கேட்டான். then I explained to him that they were two different words with different meaning .
And the cool guy cooly said '' I am far far better than many. Many don't know as much as I know .I am an original Thamizhan [ பச்சை தமிழன் ]
Great! Isn't it?
karthik & amma
already in a post I have told you about Senthil's Tamil proficiency. And here's another example.
இப்போதுதான் காலாவதி மருந்து பற்றி தான் எங்கும் பேச்சு. தமிழ் தொலைக் காட்சிகள் இதையே திரும்ப திரும்ப ஒளிபரப்பிக் கொண்டிருந்தன.
செந்திலும் இதைப் பார்த்து சற்று குழம்பியது போல் தோன்றியது எனக்கு.
இரண்டு நாட்கள் கழித்து அவன் கேட்டான் .
""ஏன் எல்லோரும் காலாவதி என்று தவறாகவே எழுதுகிறார்கள் ?""
ஒன்றும் புரியவில்லையா ?
என் பெயர் ' கலாவதி' யை ""காலாவதி "' என்று ஒரு முறை தவறாக எழுதியிருந்தான். நான் விகடமாக என்னை காலாவதியாக்கி விட்டாய் என்றேன். அது அவனுக்கு புரியவில்லை என்று எனக்கு அப்போது தெரியவில்லை.
இப்போதுதான் புரிந்தது ,,காலாவதி என்று ஒரு வார்த்தை இருப்பதே அவனுக்கு தெரியவில்லை என்று. ஆஹா ,எல்லோரும் நம்மைப் போலவே எழுத்துப் பிழை செய்கிறார்கள் என்று நினைத்துக் கொண்டு தான் கேட்டான். then I explained to him that they were two different words with different meaning .
And the cool guy cooly said '' I am far far better than many. Many don't know as much as I know .I am an original Thamizhan [ பச்சை தமிழன் ]
Great! Isn't it?
karthik & amma
1800 crores &1500 Kg gold
I asked all my friends and the IT guys and many more , the same question.
"what will be your reaction if you see 1800 crores of hot cash and 1500 kg of gold in one place."
The unanimous reply was that "" I WOULD FAINT "'
just can't imagine. at least for my part it's beyond my brain.
Yes. I am talking about the ''Desai'' who amassed so much in his house.
And we the 'proud? ' owners of India cannot even have 1500 kg of rice.
If you offer a common man 1500 kg of rice or wheat as gift he would faint.
This is a simple calculation.
8 adults can have stomach ful of food with one kg rice. That means, per 1500 kg rice, 12000 people can have a filling meal.How happy will the farmers be , if they see so much rice harvested in their field , and do they need to commit suicide due to poverty and lack of food?
Can any software or anybody for that matter think of buying such an amount of grain ? Not even for a grand marriage.
and who said India is a poor country ?
Here I recall someone saying
"' India is a poor country with rich people, And India is a rich country with poor people."
karthik &amma
I asked all my friends and the IT guys and many more , the same question.
"what will be your reaction if you see 1800 crores of hot cash and 1500 kg of gold in one place."
The unanimous reply was that "" I WOULD FAINT "'
just can't imagine. at least for my part it's beyond my brain.
Yes. I am talking about the ''Desai'' who amassed so much in his house.
And we the 'proud? ' owners of India cannot even have 1500 kg of rice.
If you offer a common man 1500 kg of rice or wheat as gift he would faint.
This is a simple calculation.
8 adults can have stomach ful of food with one kg rice. That means, per 1500 kg rice, 12000 people can have a filling meal.How happy will the farmers be , if they see so much rice harvested in their field , and do they need to commit suicide due to poverty and lack of food?
Can any software or anybody for that matter think of buying such an amount of grain ? Not even for a grand marriage.
and who said India is a poor country ?
Here I recall someone saying
"' India is a poor country with rich people, And India is a rich country with poor people."
karthik &amma
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