hi friends, i am karthik again,meeting u happily, it's still surprising.Yesterday,30.03.07 the IT capital and would be IT capital registered:
Bangaluru: max: 35.0
chennai: max: 32.0
2]next news that I want to attract your attention is:
a)a 10 year old girl writing her S.S.L.C EXAM
A 17 year old boy getting M.Tech degree from IIT.
on what basis are they allowed to do the feat?is it only for a selected few? there are so many prodigies who are able to write the S.S.L.C EXAM even at an earlier age. my mom tried to admit me in l.k.g when i was 2+1\2 years old.but so many rules.
now where have they gone? why nobody opposes this practice?.let it be open to all.or else they should stop this special permission.
what do say my friends?
with luv and luv only
We should appreciate those student's talent and interest. Nice post:)
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